Watch What You Ask For… The Universe Listens

If you read my post, or should I say rant, from March 5, 2018, Stop with the ‘See You Next Tuesday’ Already! you probably already know where this is going. The Universe heard me loud and clear, that’s for damn sure… She (the Universe) said, “Awww Sweetie, you can’t stand looking at that girl’s face every day? And you feel bitter about what this horrible place has done to you? I’ll take care of that, don’t you worry for even one millisecond”.


She was trying to be nice, I’ll give her that; but, I never wanted to leave quite this way. Removed because of a web of lies. Not my lies; someone else’s lies. Basically, one person says something untrue to another person to cover their own ass. Then another person overhears the first person talking and believes it to be true so they run off to the big bad Human Resources Department who opens an investigation. Then again the first person lies to Human Resources about the situation in an effort to continue their charade.  And then finally, the boss lady decides to believe the other person and not me in this game of “She Said and She Said”. It’s a story as old as time, and no one can even make this shit up. I speak trash about something non-related IN A BLOG – not out loud – and the Universe says, “You’re welcome!”;  with a smiley emoji after it, I’m sure of it.

So now it’s done. Where do I go from here? Oh yes, the silver lining. On this quest for a quality life, I plan on finding the silver lining in everything – like I used to…

Well, thankfully I already had a warning that I might be laid off soon, so I already started the job search process, and had a few interviews under my belt. Second, and this is the most exciting, a recruiter I was working with in Florida contacted me out-of-the-blue and said that she thinks she might have an opportunity for me – YAY! I’m also getting out of furloughing three people who used to report to me – Oh, they will still be let go – but not by me, and I am thankful about that, because I didn’t want to do it in the first place. And Finally, I started a part-time job a few months ago that will allow me to work full-time hours until I get another job. It doesn’t pay as well, but it’ll be a lot more than unemployment compensation, so I’m all about it.

If I look past my hurt, because at the core of this, I am extremely hurt; I do feel blessed to be away from the soul-sucking beast. I found out through this experience that executive management thought of me as a “risk” to the agency, because of my son’s public chastising. They were afraid that the media would bring them into the situation. I have also since found out that legal and the communication’s group – all of the people I deal with daily – were keeping an eye on me and what was happening with the case, just to be sure it wasn’t going to come back on the company. So if I were to guess, I’m sure that I can safely say that executive management was relieved to receive this complaint about me. I say all of that to say that the place was toxic, and I am glad to be in my own home right now, writing out my feelings.

The Universe… The Universe… (That’s me shaking my head in disbelief repeating “The Universe” over and over again) Not only did she listen and reply with quick action, but she gave me a test towards my new journey. She wants to see how I handle this situation; there has to be tests along the way, after all. But, I feel like my family and I have been tested repeatedly since 2013 – that’s five solid years of testing.

Universe – Can this please be the last year of these harsh life tests? And when I say that I want this to be the last year, that doesn’t mean I want to die so I have no more tests, it means that I want our lives to completely turnaround for the positive. I want to move to another part of the country. I want sunshine most days of the year. I want my husband and I to own our own successful (I’m underlining that word for emphasis, Universe) business. I want to write nearly every day. I want to take at least two vacations every year, without it even denting the bank. I want to spoil my future grandchildren. Universe, I’m just trying to be specific here; hopefully I didn’t leave any loop holes in there. Wait, she probably won’t like the word “want” – so mentally strike out each “want” with “need” (Thank you!).

I guess at the end of the day all I can say is that the journey is long and there will be high points and low points. So in spirit of my quest, I vow to consider this a learning experience. And I have no time for breaks either – every day I vow to do something to help me achieve my goal. For today, I start with posting items on eBay in order to bring in some additional money, and I write. Writing works. The Universe listens to the words as I write them, for words are magical. Sometimes they can sting and other times they can heal. With that Universe, I am asking for a healing of the soul and mind. May all future days of my quest bring on more healing and happiness than I could have ever imagined.


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