Learning How to Let Your Light Shine

Have you ever felt different from those around you? Have you ever felt isolated or as if you had no one to talk to regarding the seemingly unusual abilities you are exhibiting? Do you ever end your day completely drained, when you weren’t even physically active? That’s not uncommon for those with Empathic abilities.

If you’re unsure the term, “Empathic” fits you, but you tend to feel more than you think the typical person does, please read on… You may just learn something new about yourself. Further, if you already know that you’re empathic, but you feel alone and isolated because you feel “different”, read on as well.


First and foremost, being Empathic is a gift from God. Remember that – It is a gift from God. Are you different than others? Sure, but there is nothing wrong with different. Embrace your uniqueness and know that you truly are not alone. There are millions of people out there, just like you; me included.

So what is an Empath? What are some of the traits you may exhibit if you are an Empath? And what are the various abilities an Empath could possess?

What is an Empath? 

The dictionary definition is, “a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual”. Simply, an Empath feels the emotions and energies of others, which can cause mental draining and physical ailments. They tend to be intuitive and know things that most others do not know, such as when their friends or family are lying to them. Empaths also tend to have a thirst for knowledge, especially regarding life’s mysteries.

Traits of an Empath? Do you relate to any of these traits? 

  1. Knowing something that goes beyond a gut feeling; information simply seems to be passed to you.
  2. Ability to tell that someone close to you is lying, or the ability to sense that someone is being disingenuous with you.
  3. Being in a public place, with a lot of people, can be extremely overwhelming to you, and negatively affect your mood.
  4. Unable to watch violence on televisions, movies or even the news; you have even found yourself not wanting to keep up-to-date on current events. This also includes watching violent sports.
  5. A constant fatigue that even sleeping can not rectify.
  6. Feeling physical pains similar to pain being felt by someone close to you, such as feeling a pain in the same leg that your partner recently fractured.
  7. Extremely creative, with a vivid imagination.
  8. Always attempting to uplift those around you; you find bullying to be intolerable.
  9. Others seem to dump their woes on you, and will share information with you that they normally would have not shared with anyone else.
  10. Clutter will affect you in some manner: You either will not allow it in your home, will allow it but will have a feeling of anxiousness, or will allow it but will have a complete lack of motivation. In all cases, a non-cluttered environment makes your home feel more harmonious.
  11. Tend to have an addictive personality (shopping, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.), though this is more apparent in those who do not know how to deal with their abilities.
  12. Drawn to healing the metaphysical and spiritual, and you also gravitate towards holistic remedies.
  13. Tend to suffer from digestive issues and lower back pain, due to the manner in which energy is drawn into your body.
  14. Love nature and animals, and in fact both give you a sense of calm and grounding.
  15. Enjoys quiet and alone time, where you can recoup your energy levels.
  16. Fights against rules, routine and control; needing a sense of freedom.
  17. Finds it hard to do things that do not bring you enjoyment; only wanting to do things that you’re passionate about.
  18. Constantly searching for the truth from others, as well as regarding your own abilities – why you are, the way you are.
  19. Tends to be a free spirit, and likes adventure and travel
  20. Gets easily distracted or bored when not stimulated at home, work or school; easily disenchanted with your job when your work is not engaging.
  21. Can spend hours daydreaming.
  22. Can feel vibrations from the food you eat, such as getting high energy from kale that you can physically feel.
  23. Will not tolerate narcissism of any kind and you are willing to cut a narcissist out of your life if it means having a more harmonious life.
  24. Can appear to be moody, aloof or cold to those who do not know them, as it is based on the external energies you have taken on that day.
  25. Do you carry some extra weight in your midsection, yet you do not overeat? Many Empaths carry the extra weight as a form of protection, which will be lost without much effort once you bring more happiness into your life.
  26. Feel compelled to tell others like it is; no sugar coating.

If the above relate to you? Check out the Empathic Earthly Light Angels Facebook Group – This is a group of Empaths who are extremely helpful and supportive of each other. You will find that you are not alone, and they will also help you hone in on your specific talents. The above topic is also discussed in detail here – take a listen.

The above are the traits of an Empath, which is a comprehensive list for those who are unsure if they are an Empath or not. There are some of us though who have embraced the fact that we are Empaths, and so the below is for us.

What are some additional Empathic abilities?

  1. Apportation – Ability to materialize, disappear or teleport an object
  2. Astral Projection – Voluntarily having an out-of-body experience
  3. Aura Reading – Ability to see, feel or gain knowledge from the aura (energy field) around a person
  4. Automatic Writing – Ability to write without conscious thought
  5. Clairaudiance – Gain information through auditory means (paranormal)
  6. Claircognizance – Gain information through infused knowledge from a spiritual being
  7. Clairgustance – Ability to taste or perceive an ethereal essence
  8.  Clairfactance – Gain psychic knowledge through smell
  9. Clairsentience – Gain psychic knowledge through feeling
  10. Clairvoyance – Gain knowledge through extrasensory perception
  11. Reike – Healing others by using energy and vibrations
  12. Channeling – Ability to have spirits speak through you
  13. Mediumship – Ability to communicate with spirits
  14. Precognition/Prophesy – Ability to perceive or predict future events
  15. Psychokinesis – Ability to manipulate objects through extrasensory perception
  16. Psychometry – Ability to gain information about a person when touching them
  17. Remote Viewing – Ability to “see” and non-visible event/object using extrasensory perception
  18. Telepathy – Ability to transfer thoughts mentally using extrasensory perception

The above is not an all encompassing list, and it is important to understand that everyone’s abilities are different.  There is nothing more aggravating than telling someone that you have empathic abilities and then they automatically assume that you can tell them their future. Just like an artist, who may specialize in illustration, painting, clothing design, or some other form of art, the same goes for us Empaths – we have different specialties and talents. To get more information on this, take a listen to this radio show.

So I know that this post is a little different than I typical; however, as a part of my journey for a better quality life, I am focusing on helping others. A part of that journey, is to help those like me, and other Empaths, get out of the proverbial closet, and let their light shine!





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