Finding Me in All of This

I had been lost, yet still busy with my mission. Lost because I wasn’t seeing how I fit into all of this. Yet busy, because I was refining and editing various writings related to what we are… Empaths. A mission given to me by my spirit guides – to get the information out to the masses; to get people to understand that they are gifted, not freaks. To get non-empaths to understand that to be empathic is real, and should not be ridiculed, nor is it something to be frightened of. To get the empaths out of their proverbial closets.

Lost and Found

The mission means a lot to me, because the information truly needs to be out there. Do you know how many people live in fear because they are afraid of being considered crazy by their friends and family? Did you know that many empaths suffer from depression, anxiety and addiction, because they feel like they can’t relate to others? Why should I allow that to continue? Those who are in hiding, need to let their light shine brightly, without fear of being institutionalized. Because you know that happens… I have met several people who had been checked into a mental institution by their parents because they had empathic abilities. I have meet hundreds of people who have been told that they are dabbling in the satanic arts – which is furthest from the truth. In fact, empaths are the kindest and most loving people, who just want peace, love and enlightenment for everyone around the world.

So yes, this mission is important to me, as I too am empathic. But I wondered how I fit in because I do not have all of the abilities that many empaths have. Many in fact, are also mediums, like my husband. I see how he helps people everyday with his extended abilities, and it can make me feel out of place. I thought, so what if I can sense more things than the common man? Okay, so I can write about it… but beyond being empathic, I am writing everything else second hand through stories of others, or messages from our guides, through my husband. How do I truly fit in?

But then it dawned on me… I relate to other empaths;  I also relate to those who are not empathic, but have a loved one who is. The way that my husband counsels other empaths and mediums, I can help counsel their loved ones – when they are ready to be counseled, of course. You see, if I take away the fact that I am empathic as well, being the spouse of one can be tough. For one, they see, feel and hear things that others don’t, so it is easy to understand why someone without the ability can think that they’re mentally not right. Also, if the non-empath is religious, and believes every word the Bible is telling them, it is easy to see why they would worry for the empath’s soul. I understand where they are coming from…. but, I know the truth, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

For years, gay men and women were being sent to counselling or away to camps to learn how not to be gay anymore. What a waste of time! Now, they are mostly accepted and rarely would a person tell them that they can change who they are. They are born that way; it is not a choice, and the same goes for empaths.

Looking at it from that perspective, from the person who is not empathic or a medium, I can relate to them. But thankfully, I know it is real, because I feel it too… just maybe not to the same extent. But moreover, having a husband that is also a medium, adds complexity that only the spouse of the medium can know or understand. Which is why I can help them grasp the reality of the situation, as long as they are willing to listen and let it marinade.

Again, taking away the fact that I have empathic abilities, I know what the other is going through… Some examples:

For one, my husband is a beacon – wayward spirits see his light and want to come and say hello. Some are nice, some are quite the opposite, and unfortunately some like to stay awhile. Second, they use him – they make him angry for no reason – causing us to argue. The worst part about that is, he doesn’t see it… it’s like they blind him to it. So, it takes some stiff negotiation skills to get him to see what’s happening, as both of us need to be openly aware to get the spirits to stop their shenanigans. And, we were previously told by one of his guides that they will never say or do anything that would cause strife in our relationship; it is their job to keep harmony, and if anyone ever comes through who is causing discord, not to believe them. So I take that to heart, and I use that when attempting to get Zeus to see that he is being manipulated.

Truly, there are way too many stories to recount them here. I have seen too much, as they say; but, that is why I can help others. It was like my insides were dancing with jubilation when I figured this out for myself. See, much of our journey is not handed to us, even if we do have abilities. We need to figure it out for ourselves; they will give hints when you are on the right path though… so here I am dancing on the inside.

Further, I am a fantastic event planner, and so I envision a group gathering sometime where empaths and lightworkers can meet, help others, as well as help each other. I have learned how many different abilities are out there, and we all have something that we can offer. Why not have sessions where we talk about our gifts, as we help others reach spiritual enlightenment?

So I say to the Universe – thank you. I say to my guides (and Zeus’ guides, who I treat as if they are my own) – thank you. I say to the community of empaths and other lightworkers who have joined together through Empathic Earthly Light Angels – thank you.

We are all equally important in this journey; even those who have no empathic or mediumship abilities at all – because we are all humans, and we all deserve the love and support of one another. Though there are many out there who are narcissistic and maybe undeserving of our compassion, we still need to try our best to reach out to them. If they ultimately can’t see that love is the way of the world, then we need to just loving let them go, all the while keeping love in our hearts and souls. We aren’t going to save everyone after all.

So this has been apart of my journey to finding the fun and beauty in everyday life, and through that journey, I have found so much more. Do I still have days where I am down and feel lost? Absolutely. Do I still have days where I am angry and want to be passive aggressive and maybe even belligerent towards another? Definitely. But that’s what makes this journey real and impactful. Because no journey is perfect, especially not the journey to pure happiness and spiritual enlightenment.



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