Finding Me in All of This

I had been lost, yet still busy with my mission. Lost because I wasn’t seeing how I fit into all of this. Yet busy, because I was refining and editing various writings related to what we are… Empaths. A mission given to me by my spirit guides – to get the information out to the masses; to get people to understand that they are gifted, not freaks. To get non-empaths to understand that to be empathic is real, and should not be ridiculed, nor is it something to be frightened of. To get the empaths out of their proverbial closets.

Lost and Found

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Learning How to Let Your Light Shine

Have you ever felt different from those around you? Have you ever felt isolated or as if you had no one to talk to regarding the seemingly unusual abilities you are exhibiting? Do you ever end your day completely drained, when you weren’t even physically active? That’s not uncommon for those with Empathic abilities.

If you’re unsure the term, “Empathic” fits you, but you tend to feel more than you think the typical person does, please read on… You may just learn something new about yourself. Further, if you already know that you’re empathic, but you feel alone and isolated because you feel “different”, read on as well.


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Things are Happening…

Let me start by saying that I woke up this morning feeling fantastic! And guess what, it’s 5PM, after a long day of work, and I still feel freaking amazing! I think it’s happening… I am starting to let go of the pain and hurt, and I’m starting to feel an abundance of happiness. It’s quite a different feeling; I must admit.

Yes, time heals wounds, but it’s more than that. My husband and I have started to live our truth. We both have empathic abilities, and though we would talk about those abilities to others in our inner circle, we never lived that truth out loud, and it feels amazing!

Beach Happiness

I was looking to change my quality of life, and all along I thought that a change in my job would make that happen. Or a change in location (though I still want to move to Florida no later than August 2018 – that’s to you Universe) would bring on the happiness I so wanted. But you need to find that happiness within yourself to be truly whole. If not, you are just moving a heavy soul to the new location, which will only bring on more hurt and pain.

Now just to keep it going…

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